There is a palpable crisis of character’ that could enable one to cultivate this power by himself.
This book provides a precise and tangible definition of Çharacter’. The power of Çharacter’ is the ‘Queen’ of all powers, because its writ runs equally true in the affairs of the world as well as in the spiritual realm.
The book unravels the mystery of the ‘two’ voices that come from within every human breast. (Whence the first voice calls out to stop at the red signal while the second voice pushes one to jump it. When the first voice says ‘Don’t touch the offered bribe’, while the second voice urges one to áccept it’. And so on…). The book goes on to trace the respective origins of these two mutually opposing voices. It shows how the first voice is the representative of the ‘Soul’ and is called ‘Vivek'(conscience), while the second is the quintessential representative of the ‘Body called ‘Sentient Ahankar’ or Jiva. It shows how the whole life of every human being is governed by the operation of just these two voices. And how constantly striving to abide by the voice of Vivek opens the door to the all-powerful power of Çharacter’.
The treatment of the subject has emerged in the Upanishadic tradition wherein the fundamental questions have been formulated in the beginning and the rest of the book is devoted to finding all the answers based exclusively on logic.
Above all, the book shows how in the process of constantly cultivating the power of Çharacter’ the individual simultaneously achieves the lofty spiritual ideals of moving from:-
Asatomam Sadgamaya
(from Non-Truth to Truth)
Tamsomam Jyotirgamaya
(from Darkness unto Light)
Mrityormam Amritamgamaya
(from Death to Immortality)
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