Scientific Criminal Investigation lays down the most intricate aspects of a criminal investigation involving the application of Science and Law. It delineates the means and modes to tackle the criminal’s depredations and his modus operandi and is a comprehensive compendium of tools and techniques needed to handle the criminal, the crime clues, and crime situations. Numerous case histories, illustrations, and photographs have been incorporated in the book which makes the subject not only easily intelligible but also a lucid and interesting reading.
This second edition has been revised and updated by reviewing all the topics and further adding new ones reflecting the latest trends in the field of Forensics.
This book is written mainly for the non-scientific audience and should prove to be a useful guide to professional investigators, prosecutors, judges, students of Forensics, trainers, and to all those who are concerned with handling crime.
Phone number reverse identification –
This is the type of information I always hunt for online; truly educational and helpful.